Pay by Bank Payment Made Easy

Easily accept payments from customers directly from their bank accounts. Our Open Banking solution allows payments to happen securely and efficiently. No more transaction limits or declines.

The Advantages of Pay by Bank Payments


Pay by Bank payments use the two-factor authentication process of the customer's mobile banking application. And they carry a lower risk of fraud than card or check payments.


Accepting payments directly from the customer's bank accounts at the time of transaction secures the payment immediately compared to traditional bank transfers or cheques.


Pay by Bank payments are convenient for merchants and customers, as they are not subject to monthly or individual transaction spending limits.


Allow customers who don't wish to use cards or cash to make purchases using their bank account directly.


What is Pay by Bank?

Pay by Bank allows you to accept payments directly from your customer's bank account in-store, online or via a sms or email. This is possible thanks to the recent Open Banking regulations introduced in the EU and UK. Pay by Bank offers a convenient and secure alternative to cash, card or check payments.


Start receiving Open banking payments immediately

Just complete our onboarding process and you’re all set to accept crypto payments directly on your Android, iPhone and/or POS terminal.

Available on both Android and iOS!


Launching a payment

To launch a payment, simply enter the amount on your device and invite the customer to scan the generated QR code with their phone. You can also send them payment links through SMS and to their email address.


Nobody likes refunds but they’re an unavoidable reality

You can easily refund any bank transaction, just by clicking a button on your device.


Receive your funds daily

With Pay by Bank you will have daily settlements so you don't have to wait to receive your funds!

Not convinced yet? Check the other products in our all-in-one package

Get in touch with us!

We're excited to connect with you and explore the possibilities of a partnership. To help us better understand your needs and goals, please complete the form below.

Our team will be in touch soon to discuss how we can work together to achieve mutual success. Let's make great things happen!